Ok, so this Friday just doesn't have the same feeling as most Fridays. Normally, I have this almost euphoric feeling about the upcoming weekend. This Friday just feels BLAH! I have a very exciting weekend planned, so I am not really sure why I am not happier.
My husband gets off of work tonight (Friday) at 4:30, which is the earliest in a LONG time, and tomorrow we are going to the Renaissance Festival, then to dinner and a movie with a friend. You would think all of the upcoming events would lift my spirits.
Oh, well. They say that people get very depressed when the holidays are upcoming and I believe that it is true. The cold weather, dreary days, and outright boringness (I might have made that word up) of fall/almost winter just gets to you.
Anyways, I think tomorrow will be a better day.
So for now, try to be in a better mood than I am and have a great day!
Quote of the Day: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
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