Turkey Day and other fun stuff...
If you are going to the grocery store in the next couple of days you had better wear your football pads. People get crazy around the holidays when it comes to shopping. It doesn't matter if you are shopping for food or gifts, the loons are running free during these times.
For example: If you have been bumrushed by an elderly lady for the last can of cranberry sauce, you have experienced that blessed time we call Thanksgiving.
If you have bruises all over your hips from the carts in the grocery store then you may have survived the wonderful holiday season.
Hopefully, you do not count yourself in the same category as those crazy people who mace someone in the department store for the last TMX Elmo. Who knows, maybe these people keep score cards every year for the best present taken from another person in a store. It is probably a 10 point scale. You get a seven for a punch in the nose, an 8 for a kick to the groin, and a ten if you make the person bleed and take their toy. Ah, well, the world has come to this.
Ok, ok, so maybe the world isn't as bad as all that. Then again, when I go the grocery store tonight I fully intend to come home with battle wounds, so maybe it is that bad.
At least I don't have kids yet, because then I would be one of those crazy people dodging elbows and fists for that "special toy" for little Brennan or sweet Ayla. Who knows I may just end up being the one throwing the punches. Nah, I was raised better. I'll just send my husband out to do the dirty work.
*Insert evil laughter* Haha, haha, haha!
Anyways, keep your head down in the grocery store and get your purchases off of ebay this holiday season. It is ALOT safer that way.
Have a good one!
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