Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday and all that jazz...
I know why they call Wednesday "Hump Day"! This is the longest day of the week. You sit in your office, cubicle, or whatever space you are provided to do your job and you think you will never get to the end of the day.
Wednesday just happens to be the only day of the week that I am not slammed with work. That makes it even worse. Sometimes I wish that I were 17 again and working at Papa Johns making pizzas. When I went to work I knew exactly what the job entailed, I was good at it, and there weren't many surprises during the day. Call me predictable, but I like it when I know what I am supposed to be doing everyday.
Crazy as it seems I took a job almost three years ago that has been nothing but change. I never know from day to day what I will be doing. I know certain things that have to be done every week, but other than that your guess is as good as mine as to what I will be doing.
When I worked at Papa John's I got really good at my job. I know that working there wasn't the most prestigous position available, but I excelled at it. Oh, how I miss the days of free pizza and coming home smelling like dough. Such is life.
For now I am off to... well, hell, I have no idea what I am about to do at work. My boss will come up with something new and uninventive soon... don't worry this happens everyday.
Until next time, this is "Work sucks" signing off...
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