Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Another day in the life of...

Me, of course. I have had a pretty good day. Work was stressful, but that is a constant.

It is funny how I can go all day and be stressed to the gills, but the moment I sit in my Jeep I feel a sense of calm come over me and that stress melts away. I know, I know it is probably just the "New car euphoria", but I really like it. I have never owned a car any newer than a 1988 Honda Accord. It is kinda wierd to get into my Jeep everyday, turn the key, and THE CAR STARTS UP EVERYTIME. Yes, the little things that people take for granted are not taken lightly by me. I am overjoyed that I have a reliable car. It's about time, I think.

So, I will have the first car payment I have ever had to make in my life, so what. I don't begrudge it. This means I will have the added security of not being stranded on the side of the road, my car not being in the shop every other week, or smoke/oil/who knows what else leaking out from under my hood.

Anyways, enough about my car.

I entered another writing contest. This one happens to be judged solely by 4 impartial judges. I think that it will be much more fair than the online voting way of judging. I felt a little cheated with the other contest I entered, because I did not have the audience that other people had access to. I feel really good about my entry. I went over it several times and finally got it to the point that I think it is ready for judging. One of the cool things about this contest is that the guidelines specifically said that you should "leave the judges breathless for more, and with a theme of reunited lovers". This fit my story to a t. It seems like they created the contest with my story in mind. Very cool. The judging happens in May, so I will see what comes out of it. The judges actually send you back your entry with notes and suggestions, which I think is very cool too. That way, even if I don't place in the finals I will get advice from published authors or editors. Advice and helpful hints are always a good thing.

Oh, well enough about me... Hope everyone is having a great week...if anyone is even reading this.

Thought of the day..."Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. " Einstein


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