Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wishing I was there already...
If I could live close to the ocean without having to move away from all of my family, I would. I swear the ocean is the most tranquil place I ever go. I know that all of the natural disasters that occur might not give off that "tranquil" feeling, but I love the ocean.
One day I will visit Hawaii. It is inevitable. I cannot go my whole life and not see the crystal clear waters of Maui, Oahu, or Kauai. Yes, I know I am spending most of this day dreaming it away.
Sometimes I just feel depressed with so much land around me. Maybe I was supposed to be a mermaid... who knows. I would most likely get tired of the ocean if I were a mermaid. Can you just imagine some beautiful mermaid sunning herself on a rock and thinking, "what I wouldn't give to be away from all of this water."
Yeah, right, a mermaid wishing she was me? Not likely.
It all goes back to wanting what you can't have. The grass being greener on the other side. I think it is in our human nature to wonder about the unknown. We are, by all rights, curious beings. Where do you think all of the crazy, out of this world, ideas come from. Some bored individual starts daydreaming about UFO's and the such and boom, aliens are introduced into our minds.
Ok, I seem to be rambling more today than most days. Anyways, enjoy the pic. That is Megan's Bay, by the way. It is in St. Thomas (USVI), where my husband and I will be in less than a month. Have a great day, and try to enjoy what you have without wishing for more. (I am speaking to myself as well, especially me actually)
Quote of the day, "If it ain't broke, don't go messin around with it." My version of the old saying.
You will go to Hawaii! When you go, buy a ukulele you won't regret it!
ukulele master Ohta-san performs HAWAII
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