Monday, October 30, 2006


It's just another... Anyways, all the 80's fans are like "Yahhh, baby" All the people who hated 80's music are switching to other websites right now.

Well, it is just another Manic Monday and I am a busy girl. I had a great weekend, and that Friday funk I was in is all gone.

I realized something today that should have been obvious to me a long time ago. I NEED TO FINISH MY BOOK! I talk all the time about wanting to become a professional writer, and I daydream about how it would be to get published, but if I never act on it I can never make it happen.

Sometimes life, work, and everything else just seems to get in the way of my dreams for the future. I don't want my life to pass me by because I was too lazy to jump up and grab what I wanted. I think that I could be a damn good writer. I need practice and direction, but I believe I can do it.

Ok, So now the hard part, jumping in with both feet while I still have to make a living and do everything else in my life. MOTIVATION...say it with me...MOTIVATION! OK! I am ready!

Have you fulfilled your dreams today? Or are you putting them off until it is more convenient for you? The time for convenience may never arrive... take charge and do what you have always wanted to do TODAY... tomorrow may be too late.

Have a great day! Dream often, laugh easily, and shoot for the moon...even if you miss you will land among the stars!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Ok, so this Friday just doesn't have the same feeling as most Fridays. Normally, I have this almost euphoric feeling about the upcoming weekend. This Friday just feels BLAH! I have a very exciting weekend planned, so I am not really sure why I am not happier.

My husband gets off of work tonight (Friday) at 4:30, which is the earliest in a LONG time, and tomorrow we are going to the Renaissance Festival, then to dinner and a movie with a friend. You would think all of the upcoming events would lift my spirits.

Oh, well. They say that people get very depressed when the holidays are upcoming and I believe that it is true. The cold weather, dreary days, and outright boringness (I might have made that word up) of fall/almost winter just gets to you.

Anyways, I think tomorrow will be a better day.

So for now, try to be in a better mood than I am and have a great day!

Quote of the Day: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Friday, October 20, 2006


Ok, maybe a couple things need to be said...

The boss is driving me crazy, got a migraine trying to split my head wide open, people trying to kill me on the way to work, and it isn't 5:30 yet. Hopefully, my brain will still be functioning by the time I get to leave work! Hope is a good thing, however delusional it may be at 3:20pm on a Friday afternoon.

Have a great weekend, if anyone is even reading my blog!

Quote of the Day: "My life is solely arranged for the comfort and convencience of my dog."

Monday, October 16, 2006

Scarlet Boa 2006 Contest

Ok, so I entered this writing contest last year and didn't even get close to winning. I felt that my entry last year was really good and I think the one for this year is as well. I am not telling you to vote for me, but I am asking that you read my entry and vote accordingly.

I found out that last year a lot of published writers offered prizes on thier websites to people who went and voted for them. I can't compete with that, having maybe 1 person who actually reads my blog, so I just want it to be fair and just.

If you like my scene vote for it, if not write me and tell me that it sucks! Ok, don't tell me it sucks, that would be mean. I know, you can send me a singing telegram.

Ok, I digress. Anyways, here is the link. My scene number is 1016. Vote or don't. Up to you!

Hope you all enjoy the scene! Post me a message on blogger to let me know what ya think.

Thought of the Day: "Inside this body lies that of a skinny lady. But I can usually shut her up with chocolate.".